Can Continue to Be a Reality

Turn your reality TV dreams into your reality.

By taking the mystery out of what it takes to get on TV, this course will show you how to get started, be successful ON the show and monetize your fame after the show is over.

Grab the Course

You watch. You hope.

But it kinda ends there.

Reality TV. You watch it to unwind, and you secretly hope that maybe one day, you can be a part of your favorite show.

But where do you even start? How did all of those people get there? Sure, you may have some followers on social media and a supportive friend group that says, 'Ahhh, you'd be amazing on *insert show*' but that's about it.

Lucky for you, I didn't come out of the womb as a reality TV star. Not even close. I was a waitress and wanted to try it out. Without any guidance, I landed a spot and now am considered the 'Queen of Big Brother' after appearing on the show 4 times.

That's why I'm giving you ALL of my secrets, so you can make your debut, succeed on the show AND turn it into your career afterward.

Let's do this!

Myth-Busting Time

Chances are you've opened up your Google and frantically searched 'how to get on reality TV' or 'what are producers ACTUALLY looking for on *insert show*' Sound familiar? I'm sure you've seen a lot of info that's probably only partially true.

Here are some myths that are holding you back from pursuing your dream of becoming a reality TV star.

You have to be SUPER hot to get on

Reality: I'm not going to pretend that there's not a twinge of truth to this one, but you have to keep something in mind…this is reality TV. They want people who feel real to viewers. Unattainable, six-pack, supermodel status is not a must-have for landing a spot on a coveted show. Personality, style, energy, story, and presence are all a huge part of the mix.

You have to be in your 20s

Reality: Nope. Similar to the last point, they want everyone. Different shows want different types of people, and they ALL want a cast that's relatable. Girl next door, fun mom, basically a comedian. There's no one age or 'type' that you have to be to get cast.

When the show ends, it's all over

Reality: If you position yourself well when you're on the show, you can 100% turn this into your career. In the course, we're going to talk about what to do during filming so you can be super successful AFTER filming. Your '15 seconds of fame' can be your '15+ years of fame' – if you do it right.

How to Become a Reality TV Star

The ONLY course of its kind that shows you how to get on your favorite show and turn your season into a lucrative career after filming is over.

By taking this course, you will:

  • Feel confident that you can get cast on your favorite show
  • Learn how to score a coveted spot on a season
  • Get a BTS look at what happens when you get chosen
  • Master what you have to do when you're on the show to be popular and get invited back
  • Monetize your reality TV success so you can increase your reach and add $$$ to your bank account after filming is over

Get Started

Inside the Course

INTRO: What does it mean to be a reality star?

Has your only reality TV education been from watching it? In this class, I'll give you the real-real on what becoming a reality TV star actually means for your career and future.

CLASS 1: Pick Your Show

Each show looks for different types of people, so it's super important that you choose your target show wisely. I'll be prepping you for this journey and giving you quick tips to apply for the correct show and show up confidently on camera.

CLASS 2: Apply Like a Pro

Your audition tape is your first impression and it has to be STRONG. Together, we'll craft your story and make sure your video stands out among all of the other auditions.

CLASS 3: Create Your Character

Call back! First, celebrate, then let's get serious about the character you're going to create for the show. We'll make sure all of your socials are ready to 'wow' in the next stages of interviewing.

CLASS 4: Let's Talk Fashion

Wearing certain clothes is super important when you're interviewing. You want to be both authentic and noticeable. We'll go through what to wear so there is no confusion on your end.

CLASS 5: Nail Your Interview

What are they going to ask you? I got you covered. By preparing you with everything you need to know before walking into that interview, you're going to feel calm and ready when the time comes.

CLASS 6: It's Waiting Time

You did what you can do, now it's time to wait. We'll be chatting about mental health and staying focused on your daily life even if you wanna follow up daily.

CLASS 7: Eeek! It's Finals Time

Things are getting super real and THIS is the most important step. You'll get my best tips for fully embracing your character and making sure you're magnetic in this final phase of the process.

CLASS 8: Be Prepared

So now that you're almost on the show, what happens? Reality TV shows are SO elusive about this process so I'm going to tell you exactly what happens now, what tests you'll get, and what's going to happen before filming starts.

CLASS 9: Finalize Your Finals

You're going to meet even more producers before things are 100% final. Here's what not to do so you don't jeopardize your chances. You don't wanna throw this away when you're so close.

CLASS 10: You're In (the running!)

When you're on the show, it's going to be an exciting and confusing day. I'll clear up any questions you have about what to bring, how to get your life in order before leaving and what you can expect during this stage.

CLASS 11: Being On the Show

The camera is on. What the heck do you do? We'll talk about aspects like catchphrases, authenticity, and confessionals so you're totally prepared and having fun during filming.

CLASS 12: After the Show

And that's a wrap. What now? We're going to go deep into how to take your appearance off of the screen and into your career. Topics like PR, mental health, and interviews will be discussed in-depth so you know what to expect.

CLASS 13: Success on Social Media

You're not done. Social media is your super tool when it comes to adding 'star' to your title. If you can successfully continue to market yourself, you're going to get called back again and again AND make tons of money.

CLASS 14: Wrap-Up

A big thank you to you all and a toast to your upcoming success! By taking this course, you're going to be so ready to add Reality TV Star to the list of your titles.

Not your average 'how-to' guide

It's no secret that there are A LOT of secrets in the reality TV world.

There's nothing else out there that will hold your hand through the entire process, guide you to get results, and give you the nitty-gritty details – the ones you'd never think of.

This course is the concrete action plan you need if you're serious about landing a spot on a reality TV show and using your appearance to fuel your career.

I'm Serious, Let's Go!

Look at her GO

If you're dreaming of it, you can do it.

You just need a step-by-step process that makes becoming a reality TV star feel attainable

By signing up, you will receive:

Lifetime Access to the Entire How to Become a Reality TV Star Course

The confidence you need to take action and implement everything you learn

You're perfect for this

How to Become a Reality TV Star is perfect for ANYONE who has this dream. But it's particularly awesome for you if you:

  • Are a waitress, bartender, or model who wants WAY more reach to further your career and have a big break
  • Are currently a student and intrigued by the prospect of actually becoming a reality TV star
  • Want to get on TV (like yesterday) and want a roadmap that shows you exactly how to do it
  • Have some influence on social media, but are ready to grow your audience and income potential like crazy

Enroll now and get immediate access to the course so you can get on the show of your dreams



Sign Up Now

I was working as a model and waitress, when I decided I wanted to try out this 'get on reality TV' thing. And when I had that idea, there was nothing to help me out. No cheat sheets. No mentors. And definitely no courses in the space. I used a few forums online but figured pretty much everything out for myself.

Fast forward to now, I've been on 4 seasons of Big Brother (6, 7, 14 and 22) – in which 2 of them were All Star seasons, The Amazing Race 31, The Price is Right (Big Brother Special Edition) and I'll be on The Adventure in 2022. I was voted 'Best Reality Star of the Year' in 2006 at the VH1 Awards and hold the title for most appearances on Big Brother. I was also chosen as a fan favorite and am known for holding the record of 'most competition wins in a single season.'

I now use my unique industry knowledge to give aspiring reality TV stars everything they need to get on TV and turn their TV appearance into a viable (and lucrative!) career.

Get Started

You. But star status.

Kick your career up a notch by becoming a reality TV star. If you've been thinking 'I kinda wanna do this' for a while…let's make it happen.

Confidence. Money. Fame.

By setting yourself up to become a reality TV star AND turning your appearance into your career, you can:

⭐️Create a bigger impact in the world by reaching more people

⭐️Build a well-known personal brand

⭐️Make a lot of money during and after filming

⭐️Turn reality TV into your career

Feel confident that you know exactly what to do to make ALL of this happen.

Sign Up Now


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